Members not tenants
We concentrate companies in Advanced Research Clusters — place-based clusters at the leading edges of major knowledge economies like Oxford and London. They’re unique ecosystems that accelerate commercial growth by providing the best possible working environments for our members.
Learn to optimise your business from an active partner landlord that mentors as well as provides space, take advantage of new ways to promote your business using ARC as a platform, and join a growing network of innovators that will one day be worldwide.
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Download appNational Facilities
The combination of business lounge, meeting rooms and concierge facilities will ensure occupiers have everything on hand to make the most of the working day.
The restaurant and café facilities will provide a range of food and drink options from a quick coffee and snack through to a full business lunch. A penthouse club room has been incorporated in Refinery to give a quiet space for contemplation and discussion that can also be used by occupiers to host events and entertain guests, whilst taking in the stunning views of the new park and river beyond.
The fitness suite in Refinery will offer a range of fitness classes throughout the week, helping occupiers stay in shape. The remodelled park and external spaces have also been designed to provide areas for outdoor classes like boot camps and circuit training. It will also be used to host an active programme of events throughout the year.