IF Oxford – Tech Works

Oxford Works
19th Oct 2024 11:00AM – 17:00PM

The Festival is returning to Oxford’s growing knowledge quarter with activities that take on the smallest, hottest, most detailed and carefully constructed science for you to see at this Festival zone.

Come to the Oxford Works and meet the experts at the heart of science and innovation in the city.

Cutting-edge Research

Join in an interactive exploration of cutting- edge science. Become a trainee surgeon and try your hands at surgery to discover more about the exciting research from two global medical research groups on your doorstep.

Nuffield Depts. of Surgical Sciences & of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences

Introducing Self-driving Technology

Have you heard of self-driving vehicles? Come and find out how different tests and certification progress enable safe deployment of self-driving vehicles. You are also invited to be our one-day engineer to experience the process of virtual testing.

PAVE UK/ WMG, University of Warwick

66 Impossible Things

In Alice Through the Looking Glass, the White Queen declares she can “believe six impossible things before breakfast!”. Why stop there? Richard Robinson demonstrates 66 simple magic tricks you can learn quickly, impress others with instantly – all science-based – so, quick and easy to learn and IMPOSSIBLE? to understand.

Brighton Science Festival

Star Power: Energy For The Future

In the heart of Oxfordshire, scientists and engineers are working to harness the power of stars to generate sustainable electricity. Find out how they use robots, magnets and the fourth state of matter to build a star on Earth using fusion energy machines.


Star Power On Earth

What happens inside the sun? How can you contain a star? Why do scientists want to make a star anyway? Discover how magnetic fields, plasma and unusual metals come together to make a star here on earth and why fusion could be so great in our world of increasing energy demands.


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